Dirk S. Grossmann
Home Photography Venezuela 1996

Venezuela 1996

Kukenám-Tepui (in near infrared light)

The main goal of our second trip to Venezuela was climbing the Monte Roraima table mountain (after we saw it from below in 1993). Compared to climbing Auyan-Tepui (what we did thirteen years later), the second Venezuelan table mountain tourists are allowed to ascend, Mt. Roraima is significantly easier.

Caracas     Caracas
The capital of Venezuela
       Mt. Roraima     Monte Roraima
Climbing Venezuela's highest table mountain
Río Orinoco     Río Orinoco
From the coast to the Gran Sabana
       Canaima     Canaima
The lagoon in the Canaima National Park
Gran Sabana   Gran Sabana
Land of table mountains ("tepuis") and waterfalls
  Kerepakupai-Merú (Salto Ángel)   Kerepakupai-Merú
Earth's highest waterfall is also known as Salto Ángel (Angel Falls)

Caracas Río Orinoco Kilómetro 88 Gran Sabana Mt. Roraima Table mountain Auyan Tepui (climbed 2009) Canaima Kerepakupai-Merú (Salto Ángel)
Our route in Venezuela 1996  (see also our tour in 2009)
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